Please understand that these are notes taken by: James Schultz, and are passed onto other by the best of his understanding of what was said. His words are not to be used as quotes, it is merely his best reguritation of what was said at the time. This means areas of pasages may be wrong due to lack of careful edited. Again don't quote here just take the message at face value and do your own scripture digging.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

01-05-08 Campus

Mark/Elaina Rushing- Campus
Ephesians 4:14 – Ephesians is all about the church. We have the outreach and we also focus on our relationship with Christ. There are infants in the church. Protect the infants and helping the younger generation. We need to disciple other to get their vision strait. For women it feels good to feel tied in with the ministry. We have to establish true relationships. The girls who recently got baptized felt like they were part of the family already. Went to the family groups and had another family. They have a welcome packet and follow up studies. Really pull the Christians in and make them feel welcome. The first year is a very volatile time for people to follow away.
Got to have zeal to be on campus. It is not the answer to everything, but it takes you a long long way. Helping people see their vision and focus on their vision. Don’t let fear stop her. Got to have a heart to really want to change. Love triumphs everything. Deep down they became a Christian, deep down they want to change. I need to stay close to God. We need to have the vision that someday this person will lead. I get a small part of their life to help them. Wow, I get to be a part of their life. Not going to be afraid to share with anyone. This is an idea we have, let just do it, even street preaching. People are drawn to men with faith. Everyone was afraid of them but they still got baptized. If we as leaders can take away the fear. If we can take that away then our people will be free.
Edd/Deb Anton – Campus, being together
Ephesians – we are meant to be connected rather than being separate. Each story that children hear about the stories of individualism, and how Paul Bunyan. Give “ME” liberty or give “ME” death. It is no longer university, but we are breaking into diversity. Everyone has earphones or tapped out. We have to realize the challenge of knitting together people who are so individualistic. We have to change from a first person singular to a first person plural. Cult is the label is the of using in unity. Force Jew and gentile together as one. We have to be keen of repenting of repenting of individualism. We need the attitude of others rather than ourselves. It ought to be concern for the young ones here, tie them down with ligaments and sinews.
How can we have a great day today, not a how can I have a great day today. We feel like we can leave and still have relationships with God. We have to make sure each one of our young Christians, how do you approach your day. How are WE going to do what….???
When something is disrupted something shuts down. We can talk about our quiet times and we talk about evangelism, but we need to talk about the head, God, our Lord, Christ. We should definitely have practical but also have faith.
Each part does its work. Most people getting out of the water are quite eager to get on track. It is our job to make sure each person realizes his worth in Christ. We have a lot of people in our ministries like this. How can I make sure we are discharging to all the ministry and make sure we are making a difference throughout the entire church. Are you pulling your own weight.
We have to have the mindset that we are going to pull our own weight. Make sure each person has something to do.
Make sure when the birthdays are happening. Hospitality. Dates. Fun times. Leaders.
Bigger idea of why we are all here. Everyone has a part in reaching out to a person. Everyone prays everyone contributes. Not always a good idea to rotate, ask for help on icebreakers, but you should be leading and preaching it in the end. Don’t be afraid to discharge what needs to be discharged. We have to do the great work, the work of the harvest. They need to see you over and over again setting up the study and stopping people.
10 to 1 find them.
Refreshments, calendar, dates, weekly plans, birthdays, rides, taking care of others, text messanger.
Brainstorm people together and make sure they have a feeling of ownership of the bible talk members should brainstorm.
It is spiritual to study and be disciplined, because the end of the semester comes up and you need them instead of being in the study lab for 17 days. Get everyone’s schedule and make sure they are study. Watch out for escapism, police them into studying. Put pride down and make good grades.

01-05-08 Men Message, Forest

Forest, message to the men.
Joshua 5-6: have to be strong and obedient.
Sometimes we just have to be obedient.
1) Strong and obedient in heart.
a. We have to get our heart in the right place.
b. God is not on our side, we are on his side. What side are you on, for or against me, neither, we are for God alone.
c. God wanted him to have a humble heart. What do you want me to do Lord? Stay humble before the Lord. Proverbs 11:2, Prov 15:33
d. Disobedience is the fruit of pride. We should walk in with the heart of wow, God actually wants to use me.
e. How much time do we spend before we lead the bible talk? Everyday is a holy day, and everywhere is holy. Realize God is in the center of everything.
f. Obedience is a overflow of holiness. I beat my body and make it my slave. Got to make a plan and have a holy set apart heart for God.
g. They lost 36 and freaked out and they were fearful that they were losing face in front of their enemies, what is our standard?
h. You can’t win if you are not holy yourself. You have to have a uncompromising conviction on sin. Don’t tolerate sin.
i. Make a marching band operation. You think navy seal and God uses their obedience to complete his plan.
2) We have to be strong and obedient in action.
a. Faith: No one seems to know the outcome of the plan except Joshua, but everyone still obeys. Hebrews 11:30. James 2. There the Israelites had great faith and great thing occurred.
b. Famission groups. Family groups, mission groups. If you do it with faith, God is with you. We get caught up in the plan, method, action, and we get faithless because of the plan.
c. Are the walls before us tumbling before us? To much activity with too little faith.
d. Patience: They are patient in the plan that God gave them. 7 days for healing from circumcision and then another 7 days of walking around Jericho so half a month of waiting before they even get to fight. We don’t see the instantaneous results so we look for a new method, a new result.
e. Don’t become weary in doing good. We did the same thing at tech and God has provided.
f. We could swing the other way and be over patient. We don’t see the miracles that faith produces. Spiritually speaking you have to go hit someone.
3) We have to have unity
a. Joshua 6:20. We want one of these scenes where we win for God. State of VA and beyond. Simply stay unified. Genesis 11:6 Tower of Babel. We need to stay unified?
b. We have to have great leadership. Joshua led but he was inclusive. Don’t say “It’s my way or the highway.”
c. Lots of communication, we have to have that uncomfortable conversation. Everyone is fired up but that brother or sister. It keeps us from doing great things for God. To really work with people and make sure they get there.
d. Flat out hard work, keep fighting till unity comes. When people hear about us it is the fruit of the unity in the state of VA. That unity is so powerful. 1 Cor 1:10 Agree with one another so no division may be among you.
e. We all have those Jericho’s we want to topple and fall. If our bible talks do well, then our church does well. Are you going to help your people be lead to victory? Let’s be strong and obedient with God, stay holy.

01-04-08 Opening Mike F

One of the hardest things to do is to keep the vision alive. We keep growing but to keep the vision alive.
Joshua 3:3 – Exciting to go to some place you have never been before. New outline areas, new cities, going to places you have dreamed about. New sense of closeness and openness. Joshua and Jesus are the same name. Crossing the Jordan is another baptism of a new generation. Lets you see the land from afar, and now the sword has been passed to Joshua. Do not walk to the left or right or like Jesus say, walk the narrow path. There seems to a natural reluctance to actually lead. We have to be strong and courageous. They may not want you leading all the time, but they hate when you don’t lead. Vision without courage only disappoints. It is going to take courage to make vision actually happen. Cross the Jordan where they have not gone before. Gigal means role/roll.
Three points about roll.
1) We need to roll our memory stones together, to remember what God had done in our lives.
a. They rolled stones together to remind them of the time God parted the Jordan.
b. We may need physical things to remind us of spiritual things.
c. 1 Cor 1:4, Phil 1:3 thanking his/our Lord, God.
d. We need to be a people of gratitude.
2) Roll away sins (Joshua 5:2)
a. Circumcision, make flint knives and circumcise the men again. The men needed to be cut because the others died off like God had said.
b. Col 2:11 is where our sins are rolled away, like here in the OT.
c. There were two piles, one of stones that represented his work and another set of foreskins that represented our sins and has rotted away to this day. Sometimes we find it easier to remember our sin, but not what God has done for.
d. We can have self pity and forget what God has done for us.
e. We get all nervous about what we have done or what we haven’t done. We fall into sin and we get stuck, we don’t have to sit there.
f. Our sinful nature sits in that pile and is rotting away.
3) Roll forward to what God had done (Joshua 10)
a. The day the sun stayed still in the sky for an extra day because Joshua needed another day.
b. So many theologians conservative and liberal alike have a tough time with this but conservative can’t explain it. Mike just says, don’t sweat it God can raise the dead and heal the blind, whatever it is just a miracle.
c. We have to forget our sins in some sense, because God has moved the as far West as the East.
d. We have to learn to lead by faith. Joshua tell these leaders to go to the Jordan and stand in the middle till everyone is safely across. We forget our roll in leadership and stand our ground in leadership.
e. We have to lead with creativity. No more mana now, they had to get their own. We are going to have to get fresh with our bible talks and get some new ideas with the bible talks.
f. Take the land with confidence. Gibeonite’s become water carriers and wood cutters but that is better than being dead.
g. When the Gibeonite’s come under attack, then we go and help and protect them. Just with our bible talks we should stick up for our fellow men.
h. Go and talk to those who are against us and figure out why. Don’t be so passive. There are huge miracles and there are huge efforts. Walk up hill all night long to help these sneaky guys the Gibeonites who snuck in the back door. Maybe pray for a semester that is longer… not really J. They prayed for the day to be longer.
i. We are not hiding we are going to take a stand.
j. Need to teach our disciples to have courageous faith and strength. Step on the necks of kings. Don’t be scared. Let’s bring out these people and bring them on! These guys are human beings, whap they bleed like everyone else. Stop being scared of the world. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church.
k. Our mission now is to baptize and keep them safe.